๐ Hey there! I'm a tech enthusiast with a passion for learning and a deep love for coding.๐ป Constantly curious and always seeking new challenges.
Functional Music Player with html , css , javascript ยท Welcome to another exciting project in our 30 Project Webdev Series! Today, we'll be diving into...
Today's project is a Tip Calculator. We'll be building a simple webpage that allows users to enter a bill amount, select the service quality, and...
Welcome to our exciting journey into the world of web development! Today, we'll be learning of interactive learning by building a fun and engaging...
Rock Paper Scissors is a classic game that has entertained people for generations. In this digital age, we can bring this timeless game to life using...
Build a simple todo list application with add, edit, delete functionalities ยท Introduction to Day-16 Todo List Project In this project, we will embark on...
Form validation is a crucial aspect of web development, ensuring that user input is accurate and secure. Regular Expressions, commonly known as Regex,...